“Life is a fitness test”
This is not a comment from a gym rat, nor from someone who’s anti gym. It’s from a 93 year old client who has just worked up to 10 reps with a 2-pound hand weight. Ten going on a hundred. A retired charge nurse, she knows how important exercise is to her continued health. She’s committed to improving her posture for more efficient and comfortable walking. She has had back surgery and hip surgery, and totes oxygen on her walker. The facility where she lives only offers exercise groups 2 days a week and she hired me to come in and exercise with her on the alternate days. After telling me today about a friend ( a former collague) who was back at home right after a hip replacement, she mused, “Life is a fitness test.”
That’s Martha Schneidmiller”s wisdom.
January 25th, 2010 at 1:22 pm
Of course this attitude applies at any fitness level and any age. I spent last night in the city jail as a volunteer for the staff to practice before the brand new facility opens for real prisoners in a couple of weeks. It’s not an easy envoronment in which to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it’s a great test of commitment. I found myself continually making choices which would support feeling good and ready to teach classes the next morning. “No excuses” as 80 year old jogger and retired physician Don England used to say. – Janet